
Biff loman values quotes
Biff loman values quotes

biff loman values quotes

The main theme in the play is sustained in the play with the sons of Willy attaining their personality from their father.

biff loman values quotes

Death of a Salesman Characters - WebDeath of a Salesman Quotes A. Willy Loman’s laxity has weighed heavily on the conduct of his sons, Happy and Biff. This cluelessness is partly why Linda defends her husbands. When the man fails to even remember him, Biff steals. While she presumes to know everything in Willy’s mind, she is. Her plea reveals a great deal about Linda’s character. Biff, I swear to God Biff, his life is in your hands Linda shares with her sons Biff and Happy her fears that their father Willy is contemplating suicide. A star athlete in high school, he returns home to pursue a business deal with his former boss. She is bent over in the chair, weeping, her face in her hands.


Part of her nature is the result of naïveté Linda doesnt know the full picture here, from Willys finances to his job to his mistress. Biff is Willy and Linda Lomans 34-year-old son. We see Biff in many different parts of the story attempting to escape, from the guilt of his mother to the neediness from his brother, Biff. This is a woman on a mission: protect Willys emotions and dreams. Throughout the story of Death of a Salesman, Biff Loman has been trying to step out of what was normal for his family and make a name for himself.

biff loman values quotes

He is mocked for trying to get Biff to study so he will graduate-WILLY: Don't be a pest, Bernard To his boys What an anaemic. A detailed description and in-depth analysis of Biff Loman in Death of a. She refuses to see through her husbands lies. Happy never realizes this, and at the end of the play he vows to continue in his father's footsteps, pursuing an American Dream that will leave him empty and alone. There is also irony in how the Lomans regard Bernard as a young man.


Biff realizes, at the play's climax, that only by escaping from the dream that Willy has instilled in him will father and son be free to pursue fulfilling lives. The dream of grand, easy success that Willy passed on to his sons is both barren and overwhelming, and so Biff and Happy are aimless, producing nothing, and it is Willy who is still working, trying to plant seeds in the middle of the night, in order to give his family sustenance. Willy's other son, Happy, while on a more secure career path, is superficial and seems to have no loyalty to anyone.īy delving into Willy's memories, the play is able to trace how the values Willy instilled in his sons-luck over hard work, likability over expertise-led them to disappoint both him and themselves as adults. In his notebook Miller wrote, It is the combination of guilt (of failure), hate, and loveall in. The central conflict of the play is between Willy and his elder son Biff, who showed great promise as a young athlete and ladies' man, but in adulthood has become a thief and drifter with no clear direction.

Biff loman values quotes